Why Make Minis A Tradition??
Our lives are jammed packed with tiny, beautiful moments. From your child's first lost tooth to that monumental cap toss, EVERY stage is worth celebrating. That’s where mini sessions come in — a quick, accessible and EASY way of capturing the magic of our everyday.
Check out the top 4 reasons why so many moms love making minis an ongoing part of their family tradition:
1. Quick & Easy
Have a super busy schedule or kids who can’t sit still? Or how about a husband who cringes at the sound of an hour-long photo shoot?
Mini sessions are intentionally SHORT & SWEET with a goal of keeping every happy : )
The average mini is just 15 minutes (compared to a full-length session which is generally 45-60 min).
2. Fresh Looks, All Year
Who doesn’t love variety?
If you're tired of returning to the same place year after year for your holiday card photo, consider a new location at a different time of year.
Minis can be seasonal in nature (offered at a specific outdoor location like a flower field or the beach).
Or... they could be held indoors on a creative set (glitter, photos with Santa, Super Heroes, etc.) to keep your kids interested and keep your photos fresh.
There’s ALWAYS something new to try.
3. Budget-Friendly
Getting professional photos doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Mini sessions are a wallet-friendly way to get beautiful photos without having to commit to a full session.
DID YOU KNOW? Many families choose to do 2 or 3 minis in a year instead of a single full length session. They prefer the variety and experiences for nearly the same cost.
PRO TIP: Some locations charge a significant fee to use their property for photography. Fees are often out of reach for a single session. Minis are a great way to share this fee across multiple families & access beautiful locations!
4. Celebrate Big & Small
Kids grow up too fast.
Often, the time in between full-length sessions is just so big. Mini sessions are a fun and easy way to freeze the little moments in between.
- A lost tooth
- A milestone birthday
- Graduation day
- A favorite hobby
- Or just because
Whatever the reason, you’ll have a collection of little details to remember.
Are You Ready?
Mini sessions aren’t just about getting pictures taken — they’re about celebrating your family and all the little childhood moments. Whether for a holiday, milestone, or just a regular day, these sessions are quick, easy, and totally worth it.
Ready to join me?
I'm Kasey
The face behind the lens at Blanck Canvas Photography. I know you have a thousand choices when it comes to photographers, and I'm thrilled you've made it here. Take a look at the minis that are currently being offered and reach out anytime with questions. I'd love to see if we are a good match.
Let's talk soon!