Let me start by saying, I am a very strong believer in this message. However, my personal execution has admittedly been a little weak. There is a small chance I have family photos from 2015 in my kitchen. In my defense, I spend a lot of time getting other families’ photographs updated and printed. Regardless… do as I say and not as I do on this one : )
1. It's a confidence boost for your kids!
Think about this…. When our child draws a picture they are proud of, the first thing we do is hang it up for all to see, right? Children associate things we put on display as important and loved. Likewise, when we display images of our children and family, it sends them a subconscious message that THEY are also important and loved. That feeling of belonging translates to heightened security and comfort.
Studies have shown that displaying portraits in the home has a powerful, positive impact on a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Showing photos on the wall (vs on a phone or computer) illustrates the importance we place on the people in our life, and drives home a feeling a reassurance and comfort.
“Displaying photos prominently in the home sends the message that our family members are important to one another, and we honor the memories we have experienced.“ says Cathy Lander-Goldberg, a licensed clinical social worker.
My sweet friends did a beautiful job displaying photos from their family portrait session last fall. The gallery below is the first thing you see when you walk in their front door. And the GIGANTIC canvas of their sweet little kids is all the art needed to finish off their playroom. XOXO
TIP: If you haven’t already done so, try framing a family photo in your child’s bedroom. Your happy faces will be the last thing they see before bed and the first thing seen when they wake up : )
2. Unique artwork for your home!
Begin with the end in mind (yes, I’m a Stephen Covey nerd at heart). When you plan for your next photo shoot, think about where you will ultimately display your photos. Do you have a color or theme you want to match? If yes, dress accordingly and you have instant, unique art!
BONUS: It’s affordable!
The main living space in our home, for example, has a lot of grays with navy accents. During one of our family sessions, we met outdoors in a neutral park setting and purposely dressed in clothing that would complement our home (creams, navy, splash of red).
TIP: If the photos don’t match your existing home decor, or if you want to show photos across the years, try converting photos to black & white.
3. Surrounding yourself with favorite memories will make all of you smile -- and help lift you up in hard times
It’s ok. Admit it. There are times when your kids (and possibly your spouse) drive you crazy. When EVERY piece of clothing is inside out in the hamper. Or when the fighting is soooo loud. Or the slime, oh lord, the slime.
It’s ok. Look at the photos. Remember that you like these people : )
Thanks for reading : )
Please click below if you'd like to start a conversation about your next session. I'm ready when you are.